Your U of T Resource Finder
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Why have I been placed on a Supportive Leave? 
A description of the specific behavioural concerns that informed the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Supportive Leave is included in the letter you received initiating the Leave.  When a student’s behaviour is considered potentially harmful or threatening to the safety of another U of T community member(s) and there is […]
Who is my Student Case Manager and what is their role? 
The name and contact information for your Student Case Manager (SCM) will have been included in the letter you received initiating the Leave.  It is likely that your Student Case Manager also reached out to you to offer to meet to review the letter.  Student Case Managers (SCM) are assigned to a student who is […]
Who is on my Student Support Team and what is the role of the Student Support Team? 
When the Vice-Provost, Students receives a request to consider placing a student on a Supportive Leave, one of their first steps is to form a Student Support Team (SST). Your Student Support Teams (SST) consists of individuals that offer expertise and information in specific areas to provide advice to the Vice-Provost, Students on how best […]
What university supports are available to me? 
Your Student Case Manager and Student Support Team will work with you to ensure that you are fully supported in accessing services and supports, both internal and external to the University, that are appropriate to your individual circumstances.    Examples of supports may include tuition refunds, on-going access to health and wellness services, continuation of health […]
How will the Leave impact my health and dental insurance? 
If you have not opted out of the health and dental insurance provided through your student society, the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students will coordinate with your student society to continue your health and dental insurance coverage during your Leave at the University’s expense.  
Am I permitted to come to campus? 
It is common for students placed on a Leave to also be trespassed from the University campuses. This decision is based on the behaviour that prompted the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Leave and the level of concern for the safety of other members of the University community.   If you have been trespassed […]
How long is the Leave? 
The initial duration of your Leave will be stated in the letter you received initiating the Leave.    If you wish to request to return to studies before the date stated in your letter, you may do so by speaking with your Student Case Manager and submitting a request to the Vice-Provost, Students.    You are not […]
Can I appeal the decision to place me on a Supportive Leave? 
Yes. You may request that the Provost review the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Leave by making a request in writing, within 10 business days of receiving the letter initiating the Leave. If needed, you may request an extension on the time limit to request a review by Provost. The […]
If the Provost decides to continue my Supportive Leave, can I appeal their decision?  
If, after their review, the Provost decides to continue your Leave, you may appeal the decision of the Provost. This appeal is heard by the Senior Chair or the Associate Chair of the Discipline Appeals Board of the University Tribunal, or their delegate. The Senior Chair and Associate Chair are legally qualified and are appointed […]
What Is the difference between a mandated and voluntary Supportive Leave? 
One of the guiding principles of the Supportive Leaves Policy is that “students have personal autonomy regarding their health and wellness and are encouraged to seek the help they may need” (I.A.3). As part of this respect for autonomy, students have the ability to request a Voluntary Leave of Absence, under either a Divisional process […]
What is the process to apply to return to studies? 
When you decide that it is the right time for you to return to your studies, your Student Case Manager will be available to support you throughout the process. The return to studies expectations and process are outlined in the letter that you received initiating the Leave.  Step 1: Submit a request to return to […]
I have been asked to complete a psychiatric risk assessment. What is the process? 
The return to studies process often involves a psychiatrist risk assessment, or equivalent, as well as a review of other relevant information about a student’s readiness and intent to re-engage with their studies. The risk assessment is arranged and paid for by the University.  If you are asked to complete a psychiatric risk assessment, the […]
What are the accountability measures? 
The Policy has accountability measures written into it to help ensure that it is being applied consistently, fairly, and only in the rare circumstances that it is appropriate. Examples of these measures are:  
When was the Policy last reviewed? 
When the Policy (previously the University-Mandated Leave of Absence Policy) was approved by Governing Council in 2018, it included a stipulation that the Provost review the Policy in the third academic year of its use and report the findings to the Governing Council.  In line with the Policy requirement, a review of the Policy was […]
When will the Policy be reviewed next? 
The Supportive Leaves Policy stipulates that the Policy will be reviewed again in its seventh academic year (originally approved and in effect in 2018), therefore the University anticipates the next review will commence in 2025.   
When was the Policy last updated? 
The current version of the Policy came into effect on March 1, 2023 (approved by Governing Council on February 15, 2023). 
Where can I find information about the Policy usage? 
The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is required to submit an annual report about the usage of the Supportive Leaves Policy during the previous academic year to the Governing Council of the University of Toronto.   The report must include statistical information in aggregate form, without names or identifiers. The report is submitted for information to […]
Where can questions about the Policy be directed? 
Feedback and questions can be shared with the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students by email at  
How does a student request to return to studies? 
Students can make a request to initiate the process to return to studies in writing (by email) either directly to the Vice-Provost, Students or through their Student Case Manager. It can be as simple as “Dear [name of SCM], I want to return to studies at the University and am ready to initiate the return […]
What supports are offered to students during the return to studies process and after their return?  
Just like the terms and conditions of a Leave, the return to studies plan is tailored to the individual student’s needs. Some examples of support that are offered during the return to studies include: 
What is the difference between a mandated Supportive Leave and a voluntary Supportive Leave? 
One of the guiding principles of the Supportive Leaves Policy is that “students have personal autonomy regarding their health and wellness and are encouraged to seek the help they may need” (I.A.3). As part of this respect for autonomy, students have the ability to request a Voluntary Leave of Absence, under either a Divisional process […]
For students who elect to take a voluntary Leave under the Policy, are the same supports available? 
The supports available are determined on a case-by-case basis and tailored to the student’s circumstances and needs. The supports that are useful for a student on a voluntary Supportive Leave may be different than for those on a mandated Supportive Leave, but the University’s process to review and consider what is appropriate and needed for […]
What voluntary Leave of absence options are available to students outside of the Policy? 
A variety of voluntary leave of absence options are available to students within their academic divisions – outside the Supportive Leaves Policy.    Undergraduate students who want to know more about current available options for divisional leaves of absence or breaks from their studies are encouraged to contact their divisional registrar’s office for more information and […]
What is a Student Case Manager (SCM)? 
Student Case Managers (SCM) are assigned to a student who is being considered for Leave or placed on a Leave under the Policy to help navigate the process and to be their main contact with the University for the duration of their involvement with the Policy. SCM’s are intended to serve as a University support […]
Who are Student Case Managers (SCM)?  
Student Case Managers (SCM)’s are usually University staff members on the Student Life/ Student Affairs Crisis Support and Response and Academic Progress teams on each campus.  They are highly experienced in supporting students and generally have professional designations as social workers, counsellors or mental health nurses.  
What is a Student Support Team (SST)? 
A Student Support Team (SST) is a small group of University staff and faculty brought together by the Vice-Provost, Students to provide advice and guidance around supports, resources, and the shaping the terms and conditions to the specific student who is on a Leave. An SST is established if the Vice-Provost, Students decides to take […]
Who is on the Student Support Team (SST)? 
Student Support Teams (SST) consist of individuals that offer expertise and information in a specific area to provide advice to the Vice-Provost, Students on how best to support the student during all stages of their involvement with the Policy. The composition of the team depends on the specific identity and needs of the individual student […]
How is student privacy and confidentiality maintained while on a Leave? 
The University is committed to compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any collection, use, or disclosure of personal information as part of the Policy process is conducted in accordance with relevant law.  As part of the University’s efforts to maintain student privacy, the […]
When a student is placed on a Leave do they lose access to critical university resources and supports? 
When a student is placed on a Leave, the student’s access to essential supports is not generally restricted, except in circumstances where there may be a risk to the safety of student services staff. In all cases, the Student Case Manager and Student Support Team work to ensure that the student is fully supported in accessing […]
What financial considerations are offered to students placed on a Leave? 
Financial considerations are made on a case-by-case basis. The terms and conditions of a Leave may include measures to address potential financial implications for the student.  Examples of steps that have been taken to support students engaged with the Policy, include, retroactively refunding tuition and fees, covering fees for continuation of health & dental coverage […]
Will a student be allowed on campus? 
Due to the threshold for a Leave under the Policy (significant risk of harm to others) a student on Leave is often temporarily trespassed from campus. If a student on Leave has questions about their access to campus, or needs to attend campus for a specific reason, they should speak with their Student Case Manager […]
What happens if a student living in a University residence is placed on a Leave? 
There are situations where a student placed on a Leave may be required to move out of residence as part of the terms and conditions of their Supportive Leave.  Such a decision is based on the student’s behaviour.  If a student is engaging in behaviour that compromises the safety of other students living in residence, […]
How does a Leave affect a student’s health and dental insurance coverage? 
If a student on a Supportive Leave has questions about their coverage and/or experiences a disruption in their coverage they should speak with their Student Case Manager. The University will review these matters on a case-by-case basis, working with the respective Student Societies and insurance providers.    Student health and dental insurance is provided by their […]
How are equity, diversity, and inclusion considered when placing a student on a Leave? 
Compassion and respect for the diverse and intersecting identities and lived experiences of our students is at the core of the University’s Supportive Leaves Policy. The Policy is designed to allow for tailored supports to meet the highly individualized needs of students who may be in need of a Leave.   If a student from an […]
What considerations are offered to Indigenous students placed on a Leave?
If an Indigenous student is placed on a Leave under the Policy, the Vice-Provost, Students  will include staff of First Nations House at the St. George campus, Indigenous Initiatives at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC),  or the Indigenous Centre at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM),  as members of the Student Support Team(SST), depending […]
What is the effect on international students and how are international students supported? 
The University understands that special consideration must be taken when an International Student is placed on a Supportive Leave to avoid adverse effects on their legal status and eligibility to stay or work in Canada. The Student Support Team will carefully consider and monitor these impacts, on a case-by-case basis, to help ensure that the […]
When does the Policy apply?  
The Policy applies in very rare circumstances when: 
What is the threshold for a Leave?  
Under the University’s Supportive Leaves Policy, the threshold to place a student on a Leave is extremely high. The University must have sufficient information at the time that the Leave is imposed to believe that:  The use of the Policy is intended to strike a balance between two goals:  To initiate a Leave under the […]
What rights does a student have under the Policy? 
The Policy includes a number of procedural safeguards, some of which are described below.  It is also designed to be compliant with provincial legislation such as the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the […]
Who can recommend that a student be placed on a Leave?  
Only Division Heads (Dean of a Faculty/ Campus/ Principal of College) may request that the Vice-Provost, Students consider placing a student in their division on a Leave under the Policy.  A decision to proceed under the Policy can only be made by the Vice-Provost, Students.   Please refer to Section IV. A. of the Supportive Leaves […]
Why would a Division Head (Dean / Principal) recommend a student for a Leave?  
The Division Head is the Principal, Dean or director (“head”) of a faculty, college or school in which the Student is registered. Division Heads are the academic leaders who are best placed to raise with the Vice-Provost, Students challenging behavioural issues involving a student where disciplinary approaches may not be appropriate. In these situations, the […]
Does disclosing suicidal thoughts or self-harm to University staff mean a student will be placed on a Leave?  
No. The University’s hope is that students will actively engage with mental health supports with the trust and understanding that this will not lead to them being recommended for a Leave. Generally, a student may disclose personal mental health concerns or struggles to a counsellor or medical professional without concern that their personal health information […]
What steps does the Vice-Provost, Students take when they receive a request to consider a student’s conduct under the Policy? 
Upon receiving a request from a Division Head to consider a student’s situation under the Supportive Leave Policy, the Vice-Provost, Students begins by gathering information to ensure they have a clear understanding of the student’s behaviour and personal circumstances to inform their decision as to whether it is appropriate to place the student on Leave […]
How is a student informed that action under the Policy is being considered?  
A student will receive a letter from the Vice-Provost, Students indicating that they have received a request from the student’s division head (Dean or Principal) to consider the application of the Policy in the student’s case and that the request is under review.   The student will be connected with a Student Case Manager (SCM) (see […]
What do “Urgent Situations” entail? 
Urgent situations are situations where the risk caused by a student’s conduct is so significant and imminent that immediate action must be taken to ensure the safety of University of Toronto community members. There is a special section of the Policy addressing these cases.  In such cases, the Vice-Provost, Students may immediately place a student […]
What are the terms and conditions of the Leave?  
The terms and conditions outline the University’s obligations for the Leave and the expectations of the student during the Leave.   Terms and Conditions are tailored specifically to the individual student’s needs and circumstances with input from the Student Support Team (see more information about the Student Support Team in “Student Supports” section.) Terms and conditions […]
How long is a Leave? 
The duration of a Leave is dependent on the specific needs and circumstances of the individual student. The University typically indicates an end date for a Leave that coincides with the end of an academic term, usually one or two terms following the start of the Leave (Fall Term, Winter Term, Summer Term are each […]
What is the appeal process? 
A student, placed on a Supportive Leave, may choose to appeal the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students if they disagree with being placed on a Supportive Leave. There are two levels of appeal for this Policy within the University, outlined below.  Step 1: Submit request to Provost to review the decision to place the student […]
What will appear on a student’s transcript?  
No notation regarding the Leave will be reflected on the student’s academic transcript. 
Where can I access downloads of productivity software such as Microsoft Office?
Many courses require the use of productivity software – word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet applications. The Microsoft Office suite of applications is available for free to University of Toronto students (UTORid and email address required). Office applications (e.g., Excel, Word, PowerPoint) may accessed via a browser or may be installed on your PC. Access: online […]
Can I use any internet browser to access remote/online learning?
The current version of Firefox or Google Chrome browser is recommended. These browsers are available for all platforms. A current and supported browser ensures the latest functionality and security updates are available. 
Can I run any operating system on my PC?
The operating system running on your PC should be a current and supported version of Windows or macOS. A current and supported OS ensures the latest functionality and security updates are available. You will also require the necessary access to install new software on your PC as needed.
What does a PC refer to? Can I use a Chromebook, tablet or smartphone instead?
PC refers to a personal computer. A suitable PC may be a Windows- or macOS-based desktop or a laptop. A laptop is recommended. While much can be done with Chromebooks, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, they are not guaranteed to support all course related software requirements.
What are the minimum technical requirements for specific courses or programs?
Certain programs or courses may have additional requirements exceeding the Minimum Technical Requirements and Recommended Accessories listed here. Please refer to the program or course requirements for additional guidance. 
When the University has been made aware of the death of a student, why does the University not immediately notify the community?
The University will not release any information that may directly or indirectly identify the deceased student, nor will the University confirm if a student was a U of T student, until either the family (i.e., next of kin) or designate has approved the release of information and specifically what information (student status only or additional […]
Why does the University not release the cause of death?
A student may die from natural causes, a tragic accident, or by suicide. In the case of a sudden or unexpected death, the cause of death will be confirmed by the coroner. This may take some time. The University is not usually informed of the cause of death by authorities, and the family or next […]
For one of my courses, I have to provide a presentation to my instructor and classmates. Do I need a licence to show a scene from a movie or TV show as part of my presentation?
No. If the performance takes place in your classroom and is presented primarily to University students or instructors for educational purposes, and the copy of the movie or TV show was not obtained from an unlawful source, you do not need to obtain permission from the copyright owner.
I live on campus and would like to watch a movie or TV show with my housemates in the common area. Do I need a licence?
As long as the showing is “private” (that is, essentially limited to your private circle of friends or housemates) you should not need a licence. However, if you advertise the showing or invite a wider audience that could not reasonably be understood to be private, different considerations may apply and a licence may be required.
My student organization wants to host a movie night for U of T students and charge an admission fee. Do I need a licence?
Yes. Even if the audience is limited to students of the University, the event is being held for recreational purposes, not for educational or training, and a licence is therefore required. Charging an admission fee may also mean that the use is “for profit” or with a “motive of gain”, a further bar to reliance […]
What if I don’t charge an admission for the movie night?
Even if the event is “not for profit” and without “motive of gain”, the movie is being shown for recreational purposes, not for education or training, and a licence will still be required.
What if the movie I plan to show was released more than 70 years ago?
The term of copyright is determined by reference to the life of the author, not the release or publication of the work. Copyright subsists for the life of the author plus 70 years. Identifying the “author” of an audiovisual work is not always easy, since many people (director, screenwriter, producer, etc.) will have contributed to […]
Do I need a licence to show a movie to fellow members of my student organization to facilitate debate and discussion within our group?
It is possible that a movie shown by a student group to its members to facilitate educational debate and discussion within the group (for example, a documentary about discrimination shown by an LGBTQ+ club to an audience consisting only of its members, without charging admission) might constitute fair dealing for the purposes of education, research […]
I would like to organize a social event for students and members of the public that will include showing a movie or TV show, either for free or for a fee. Do I need a licence?
Yes. Because the social event is not primarily for University students, and the showing is for recreational purposes rather than for education or training, a licence will be required. It makes no difference whether or not an admission fee is charged.
I would like to organize an event at which short excepts from various movies and TV shows are shown on multiple screens for ambiance. Do I need a licence?
It depends on whether the excerpts you plan to show are “substantial parts” of the larger works. You should not presume that even short excerpts of a long movie are not “substantial” – this is a question of fact that needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may require expert advice.
Who can I contact for more information?
St. GeorgeStudent Life: Clubs & Leadership DevelopmentEmail: groups.officer@utoronto.caPhone: 416-946-7780In-person: Sussex Court, 21 Sussex Avenue, Room 516 (Recommended: email or phone ahead to make an appointment) University of Toronto MississaugaCentre for Student EngagementEmail: studentgroups.utm@utoronto.caPhone: 905-828-3753In-person: William G. Davis Building, 1867 Inner Circle, Room 2075C (Recommended: email ahead to make an appointment) University of Toronto ScarboroughOffice of Student Experience and WellbeingEmail: campusgroups.utsc@utoronto.caPhone: […]
What is a virtual agent? 
The virtual agent is a conversational tool that uses technological “learning” to respond to questions through an online chat. Leveraging IBM’s Watson Virtual Assistant platform, this tool can help you find answers to your questions and act as a wayfinding tool. The tool can be accessed 24/7. While Navi cannot provide personalized or specific advice, […]
What does Navi mean? 
Navi has multiple meanings. It’s short for “navigator,” which helps describe what the tool is: a wayfinding resource that helps students navigate the programs, resources and services U of T has to offer. Navi is also means “kind to people” in many languages, which speaks to the culture of caring and excellence that the University […]
Is someone monitoring the Navi chats? 
Navi is a virtual tool, available 24/7. The tool isn’t monitored, so it’s up to the user to decide when/if to connect to the resources provided. The University reviews some of the chats where feedback was provided as a way to continue to train and develop the tool. 
Can I be directed to a live person through the Navi chats? 
Throughout most conversations in the tool, there are links to resources where students can find the right contact information for the person to talk to. 
How is this different than a Google search? 
Navi has been developed by subject-matter experts at the University, which means that all responses have been curated and tailored to the U of T experience. Where Google responds with thousands of results, Navi highlights the most relevant services for U of T students. 
Does the virtual agent replace face-to-face student services? 
No. Navi is a wayfinding tool and is meant to help students find the most appropriate office or resource for their needs.  
What kinds of questions can I ask Navi? 
Navi can answer general questions on a full range of topics for future and current students.  Additionally, NAVI provides detailed information to support your mental health.  Ask NAVI about a lot of things including: stress, anxiety, loneliness, harassment, discrimination, bullying, academics, career, sleep issues, accessibility, coping techniques, abuse, eating disorders, how to get involved, health […]
Is Navi mobile-friendly? 
Yes. If you click on a number provided, you can call that number directly. 
Is Navi accessible to students outside of Canada?
Yes. Many of the University’s resources and services have been tailored to support our learners from all over the world. This includes access to registrarial services, academic services and various health services. Some services are only available to students in Ontario/Canada, but they’re specified in the tool. You can always access U of T Telus […]
Is Navi for graduate students? 
Yes. Navi is for all students at the University of Toronto. Since Navi is available publicly, parents/families, and university faculty, staff and administrators can also use to the tool help identify resources and services for students. 
How does Navi get its answers? 
We’ve worked with subject-matter experts at the University to identify topics, responses, resources and services for students. Each response has been curated and mapped to topics. If you don’t receive the answer you were looking for, use the thumbs up/thumbs down function to give us feedback, which will help to train and develop the tool. 
Is Navi voice-activated? 
The virtual agent isn’t currently voice-activated and needs to be manually selected in order for the conversation to begin. Once started, you can use a local speech-to-text program (e.g. speech keyboard on iOS) to interact with the virtual agent. 
How do I get the Navi tool on my website? 
If you work at the University of Toronto and are interested in adding a link to Navi on your website, email Elicia Giannone, Project Manager, U of T Wayfinder:
Complaint against the University of Toronto Mississauga Athletic Council (UTMAC) The complaint alleged that there were issues of non-compliance with UTMAC’s by-laws and constitution regarding election procedures that resulted in of several members of one slate being disqualified from the election. It was further alleged that one member of the opposing slate was not eligible […]
Complaint against the University of Toronto Mississauga Students Union (UTMSU) The complaint alleges that the CRO did not assign the appropriate number of demerit points to candidates of a slate for “campaigning in an unauthorized area”. The complainant was unable to attend the Election and Referenda Committee (EARC) meeting where the matter was discussed and […]
Complaint against the Scarborough College Athletic Association (SCAA) Two candidates were assessed demerit points for allegedly campaigning in a restricted zone.  The demerit points resulted in the candidates’ disqualification from the election. Additionally, the complaint reported an inability for voters to vote for specific positions, which was not in compliance with the SCAA by-laws. The […]
Complaint against the University of Toronto Mississauga Students Union (UTMSU) A candidate for a UTMSU executive position was assessed demerit points based on an anonymous complaint and disqualified from the election. The candidate was not provided an opportunity to speak to the Election and Referenda Committee to appeal the decision. Additionally, it was alleged that […]
What is the process and timeline involved in moving forward with a referendum question?
As outlined in the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Ancillary Fees, requests for increases to student society fees must be approved by the University Affairs Board of the Governing Council. A referendum is required for all new student society fees, all new designated portions of fees (e.g., a special levy or a fee to fund a […]
Is my student society obliged to implement any changes to a referendum question suggested by the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students?
Student societies are independent organizations at the University of Toronto. While the the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is pleased to be able to offer advice regarding referendum questions to societies when such advice is requested, the societies themselves ultimately bear responsibility for their referendum questions and their operations. Student societies are not obliged to […]
Why is it important that the question be clear and unambiguous?
Referendum questions that are unclear, or which provide a vague result, are subject to complaint and accordingly can make it difficult for a society to seek the necessary approval by the University Affairs Board.
What other advice will the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students offer?
The OVPS reviews referendum questions to offer advice on the following components:
What is a special levy fee?
These fees are defined in the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Ancillary Fees as follows: 5. Student society fees may include levies for specific, limited projects, within the University including those for academic purposes. Such levies shall: a. be approved by whatever process is required by the student society’s constitution for consideration of a fee increase, […]
What kinds of charges are student societies permitted to levy to students?
Only non-tuition related incidental fees are permitted. These fees are defined in the Ministry Guidelines as a “non-tuition-related fee which is levied to cover the costs of items which are not normally paid for out of operating or capital revenue”. In terms of physical spaces, that means co-curricular spaces, such as student activity space in […]
What are the policy documents that a student society should be aware of if considering a referendum for a student levy?
The policy documents related to referenda for student societies include the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Ancillary Fees, the Policy on Ancillary Fees, and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ Guidelines for Ancillary Fees set out in section 6 of the Tuition Fee Framework and Ancillary Fee Guidelines for Publicly-Assisted Universities. While the Office of […]
Potential to Appeal
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint that has been investigated through the process outlined in steps 1 – 4, you may request a review by writing to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students within twenty (20) days of being notified of the result.
Step 4
An equity officer, in consultation with senior administration, will decide whether to conduct an investigation, and in the case that an investigation proceeds, the scope of the investigation will be set out. The decision will be advised by theGoverning Council Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment
Step 3
If the issue remains unresolved, you have the option to file a formal complaint. Set your complaint in writing and deliver it to an equity office. An equity officer will speak with you about available options and resources that may best be suited to your concerns. If an investigation is determined to be warranted, you will […]
Step 2
If a resolution is not achieved, discuss your concern with administrative officers responsible for the department or division (e.g., Chair/Dean of Faculty/Department, Dean of Students). An informal resolution may be achieved here. If not, proceed to Step 3.
Step 1
Raise your concern or complaint with the individual(s) who you believe engaged in discrimination/harassment (if possible). An informal resolution may be achieved here. If not, proceed to Step 2.
How are the ancillary fee levels set?
Cost-recovery fees are set at a level to recover the expense incurred by the University in the procurement of the good or service that is being transferred to the student (such as the safety googles or tool kit). The University is not permitted to make any profit on these fees. Cost-recovery fees may only be […]
What if I want to be exempted from paying fees?
If you are taking a course or completing a program in which there is a compulsory ancillary fee, then you must pay it. There is no provision to provide individual student exemptions or refunds of compulsory ancillary fees for any reason.
How do I know what ancillary fees to expect?
Compulsory fees are charged automatically through your registration. Check your account on the ACORN Student Web Service if you are not certain which fees you have been assessed. You can also look at the University’s Annual Schedule of Cost-Recovery Ancillary Fees, User Fees, and Fines (Category 5) prior to selecting your courses to see what kind of program […]